The Public Programs Certificate in Yoga Philosphy at CIIS brings together a high-caliber faculty from around the United States to provide 150 hours of in-depth study of the core philisophical and psychological teachings of yoga.
Yoga philosophy and psychology evolved within the context of Vedic revelation and cosmology. Early Vedic texts, such as the Upanishads, examined the fundamental truths of existence, the origin and nature of the destiny of man and the Universe, the meaning and value of life, and the solutions to its problems. Yoga offered concrete principles and practices to help individuals realize and actualize within their own personal experience the universal truths proclaimed through Vedic revelation.
Explore some of the models presented in the Upanishads, the yogic teachings of Patanjali, and yogic practices designed to reduce or eliminate suffering at different levels within the human system. Awaken your highest potential with practices of asana (posture), pranayama (breathing), chanting, mantra, and meditation.
Gary Kraftsow, MA, began his study of yoga in India with T. K. V. Desikachar in 1974, and has been a pioneer in the transmission of yoga for health, healing, and personal transformation in the United States for more than 30 years. He is the founder and director of the American Viniyoga Institute in Makawao, Hawaii, the author of Yoga for Wellness and Yoga for Transformation, and the creator of two yoga therapy DVDs, Viniyoga Therapy for the Low Back, Sacrum and Hips and Viniyoga Therapy for Upper Back, Neck and Shoulders. Kraftsow is frequently consulted as the foremost yoga therapist in the United States for research and collaborative projects, notably a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study on yoga for back pain and a Harvard Medical School study on generalized anxiety.
Opening Practice $25 / Workshop $250 (includes Opening Practice).
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on January 20, 2009