UNM Continuing Education is offering Yoga for Endurance Athletes classes starting January 25, 2010, ending March 15, 2010 on Mondays from 7:15pm-8:45pm. For $110 we will address some of the specific imbalances that often arise in the body when we engage in intense athletic activities. With the use of props and supports we will explore various yoga poses that will help strengthen and open all areas of the body. By strengthening, improving alignment and increasing range of motion the body can move and perform with greater ease and the risk of injury is reduced. We will also explore the role our mind and breath plays in the performance of the sports we love. Flexibility of the mind, but not the body is required to participate in this class. No one is too stiff to participate. Required Text: Runner’s Yoga Book, Couch is available at the studio. For more information please visit www.dce.unm.edu or call 277-6320.
Official Website: http://dce.unm.edu
Added by CE_Posts on January 12, 2010