252 A, Nanak Bhavan, Shahpur Jat
New Delhi, Delhi

A month-long workshop by Soraya Franco and Soraya, focusing on the integration of yoga and dance for a healthy body and living. Soraya Franco (DR/France) is a performing artist and dance teacher. Her research embraces Indian classical dance as well as contemporary dance. Soraya is also an experienced yoga teacher, yoga-dance therapist and choreographer certified from Kaivalyadhamma Yoga College. Contact: 9811336307.

Ticketing:Fees: 18 sessions (full 2 month workshop) Rs 6,500/-; 9 sessions (1 month) Rs 3,500/-; walk-in-class Rs 550/-. For current YogaLife members: 18 sessions at Rs 4,500/-; 9 sessions at Rs 2,250/- & walk-in-class at Rs 300/-.

Email: reema@yogalife.org.

Official Website: http://www.yogalife.org

Added by sraakhil on April 14, 2009

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