7466 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90036

Pranamaya - Chakras - Mudras - Sacred Geometry - Daily Moon and Sun Cycles - Asanas - Mantra and Meditation - the Meaning of all of these in a most complete Yoga practice. This is for levels 2-2 and is a fire practice with the emphasis on Vinyasa Yoga. The drop in fee is $16. The first class is a suggested $12 donation. Packages and memberships are available.

The instructor, Ren Yogamaya, is one of only 35 teachers in the world with knowledge of the fabled ancient Yoga Korunta. She is an author and a film maker as well.

For more information, call; Ren Yogamaya - 760-567-5850 or Dancing Shiva - 323-934-8332 Also, visit the web sites -
www.renyogamaya.com and www.dancingshiva.com

Added by Solange Silverman on December 1, 2011