Yoga & Dreams: Engligtening Your True Nature
by Nora Archambeau, M.A.
Registration: please contact Satori Yoga Studio (415) 618-0418, 40 1st. St., 2nd Fl., between Market & Mission Sts.
Cost: $10; day of event $15
“Satori is a Japanese Buddhist term meaning deep, or lasting enlightenment.” Come join Nora and see how yoga practice assists in deepening your night dreams. Explore various ways on how to become even more in tune with your body, hence your dreams. Find out how subtle body shifts affect the subtle pieces of information that come from the dream state. Gather practical ways to increase the connection to your body, mind, and soul, and apply these insights to your waking life. Become more enlightened to your true nature!
Nora Archambeau, M.A. is a professional dreamworker with 16 years experience interpreting hers and others’ dreams in a safe and confidential environment. Her style is fun, informative, creative, and helpful in opening to the process and exploration of the psyche. If you cannot make an event, please email Nora to set up an individual consultation at Please also visit her webpage at and enter Integral Dreams. Thanks!
Official Website:
Added by yogigirl on October 13, 2007
Nora Archambeau can take a dream and turn it into insight that will delight and astonish you. She is a remarkably acute and gifted dream worker.
David Jenkins, Ph.D.
Dream RePlay: How to Transform Your Dream Life
Nora provides a structured approach, compassionate understanding, helpful insights and a warm, safe environment, all of which encourage participants in her groups to explore their inner lives within the context of their dreams. G. MacFarlane