7122 Beverly Blvd,
Los Angeles, California 90036

Come and join YNPNla at Susina Bakery & Cafe. Network and mingle with fellow YNPNers at Susina, a Parisian-like bistro in L.A. Join us for a "happy hour" of pastries, cakes, and pies!Parking Info: Parking behind the storeBring a fellow young nonprofit professional and help YNPNla continue to grow. And, please, remember to bring your business cards!See you there!YNPNla

Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of Los Angeles (YNPNla) provides social and professional resources to promote success in career development and retention for young professionals and emerging leaders of all ages involved with nonprofits in the Los Angeles, CA area.
For more information, email
orcheck us out on Facebook

Organized by Young Nonprofit Professionals Network, Los Angeles

Ticket Info:  YNPNla, Free

Official Website: http://ynpnla0309mixer-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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