The Glue that holds it all together
The practice of Yin Yoga is experiencing a dramatic increase in popularity. Both teachers and students alike are expressing a desire for more depth and knowledge about this contemplative, restorative and energizing style of yoga.
Yoga as practiced in North America is almost exclusively Yang or muscular in nature. The Yin aspect of Yoga uses long-held relaxed floor postures to stretch and stimulate the "Yin" or deep connective tissues of the body. The two major differences between a Yin and a Yang Yoga practice are that Yin postures are done with the muscles relaxed and are held for longer times. This is because connective tissue does not stretch like muscle and will not respond well to brief stresses. This gentle practice increases your flexibility, opens your hips, quads, hamstrings, lower back and shoulders and enhances your overall sense of well-being. It is truly a practice in letting go of both the mental and the physical tensions that we store inside. It teaches how to accept what is happening in our bodies and in our lives, while remaining unattached to these experiences.
Who can benefit from this training:Yoga instructors who have been trained in other styles of yoga
Body workers - physiotherapist, RMTs, sports injury therapists, and other therapists
All those who wish to develop or deepen their home practice, or their understanding of this style of yoga
This 28-hour program includes:
An in-depth exploration of all the Yin Yoga postures, including their variations
How to work with props, different body types, including working with special needs students (injury, pain, etc)
Sequencing of a Yin Yoga class
In-depth section on anatomy of connective tissue by special guest lecturer Michael Annison. Michael is a registered Massage therapist and is currently in 5th year at the Canadian College of Osteopathy (CCO)
Special video of the dissection of connective tissue
Yin Yoga as a meditation practice
The real benefits of Yin as a tool in teaching us how to let go of resistance
Course manual and certificate include
Location: Rama Lotus Yoga Centre 340 Gladstone Ave. ottawa on
Date: May 1-3, and May 15 - 17
Time: Fri. 7 pm- 10pm; Sat. 1pm to 7pm; Sun. 1pm to 6pm
Price: 550 + tax
495$ + tax before April 10th
To register Call 613-234-7974
Organized by Mark Laham
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/283740676/upcoming