Yerbabuena (salsa) @ Century Ballroom, Seattle
Start Time: 9:45 PM
VALENTINE'S DAY SALSA with YERBABUENA @ Century Ballroom, Seattle
SAT 2/11 - 9:15PM LESSON / 9:45PM DANCE - $12 COVER
catch musica vitae! cabaret before the dance and only pay $25 total ($60 with dinner)!!
Celebrate Valentine?s Day with Cuban Salsa Music!!
Bring your sweetheart to dinner at Musica Vitae! Cabaret and be serenaded by pianist Tessa Sauchet and vocalist Deidre Pierson. Stay after the show and dance to Yerbabuena?s beautiful Cuban Salsa music.
Yerbabuena is a 12-piece charanga orchestra based in Seattle. They've been performing traditional and modern Cuban salsa, including son, cha-cha-cha, guaguanco and danzon, to Northwest audiences since 1994. In addition to originals, their repertoire draws from the music of Cachao, Buena Vista Social Club, Orquesta Aragon, Los Van Van, Benny More, Eliades Ochoa, Candido Fabre, Original de Manzanillo and many other great Cuban artists.