“To kick off 2008, let’s try an experiment. I own a small collection of 35mm feature films, mostly '60s and '70s trash. Over the years, I’ve acquired a bunch of individual reels from films—but not the complete films. So, tonight, we’ll show a 90-minute movie—except it will be composed of four or five different films. The titles we’ll mash together include Snuff, Love Camp 7, Sexy Proibitissimo and other oddities. I have no idea if this is going to work, so we’re reducing the admission price to an el cheapo $5 for all seats … so, wtf, take the plunge!”—Joel Shepard, Film/Video Curator
Public Info:
415-978-2787 or www.ybca.org
$5 regular, students, seniors, teachers & YBCA members
Official Website: http://www.ybca.org
Added by nglnd_lzbth on January 4, 2008