4875 North Harbor Drive
San Diego, California

The Hearts Center invites you to experience the great love shared by Jesus and his beloved twin flame, Magda. This will be an intimate weekend of communion with Jesus and Magda,heart to heart, in an upper room experience of divine fellowship. If you seek more divine expression of your love, then be with us in San Diego.

Melchizedek will darshan and reveal his own beloved twin flame and her mission. Those present will witness the magnitude of his great energy field, his mind and heart of fire. Gain more understanding of the love that Jesus, Magda and Melchizedek emanate. And allow this experience to revitalize your soul at a new and powerful level.

Magda invites you to “be with us in great moments of simply entering the heart of God and knowing the purity and radiance of the Source of all that is, through the heart on fire and in joyful resonance with the great cause of light.”

Begins: Friday, May 4, 5:00 p.m. PDT
Sealing of conference: Sunday, May 6, 1:00 p.m. PDT

Official Website: http://theheartscenter.org/Events/SanDiegoYeAreGods/tabid/666/Default.aspx

Added by The Hearts Center on April 5, 2012

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