Cuisine and art come together in an unusual workshop that combines an introductory Argentine tango class with instruction on how to prepare Peruvian ceviche (white fish cured in fresh limejuice with onion, garlic and spices), you will discover the sublime truth that raw fish and a close embrace share a common sentiment. The first hour is spent learning basic tango skills and figures, while the second hour is spent exploring the smells, colors and tastes of Peruvian ceviche. The last hour is for eating and dancing, with an occasional toast. Participants are encouraged to bring their own wine and beverages.
YBCA and The Red Poppy Art House Annex
YBCA Room for Big Ideas, 701 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103
Public Info:
415.978.2787 or
$20 regular / $15 YBCA Members (includes Gallery Admission)
Reservations are required.
Added by ybcaart on July 15, 2008