Richmond is a place that faces rapid change and major development. It is a vibrant city shaped by industrialization, activism, and its delicate wetlands. Richmond has come to be unfavorably defined as a crime-ridden and impoverished city; however, a direct experience of Richmond reveals its more complex and vibrant (hi)story that is disappearing in the face of major redevelopment. After a walk-through of the In Situ: Richmond exhibition, the arts collaborative In Situ will present an intimate bus tour of Richmond, led by regional historians, activists, and long-time residents. The tour bus visits historic sites of interest, including the Oishi, Sakai & Endo greenhouses, the Kaiser Shipyard, Point Pinole, Parchester Village, and the Chevron Refinery.
Participants can either choose to join the bus tour at YBCA starting at noon, or join the tour at the Richmond BART station starting at 1:30 pm. The bus tour will end with a reception at the Richmond Art Center. Space is limited. To reserve a spot on the bus, please RSVP by email to:
YBCA and In Situ.
YBCA Galleries, 701 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Public Info:
415.978.2787 or
Reservation required. RSVP by email to
Added by ybcaart on July 15, 2008