197 East Broadway
New York, New York

Don't miss our New York premier!

About Yackagdayou, Brateslayou
Formed at a secular Jewish socialist summer camp in 1943, “Yackagdayou Brateslayou” has remained intact for over 60 years as a cohesive Jewish community, extended family, and activist circle. The play, Yackagdayou, Brateslayou is an interview-based show that tells the true story of this amazing group of friends.

Sharon Rose Goldberg, a student from Hampshire College in Amherst, MA, wrote the play to explore the amazing adventures, traditions, and devotion of this cohesive group. Now, Madwoman Theatre has brought together a multi-generational cast to perform the play and inspire audiences to look at political activism as something that can be a fun and engaging part of their lives.

$5-$15 on a sliding scale
All ages welcome!
To reserve tickets, email tickets@madwoman.org with name, performance date, number of tickets to reserve, and a contact phone number.

Official Website: http://www.madwoman.org

Added by littler0se on April 12, 2007