THEME: coming soon
Background Information
Under the sponsorship of the Cordinating Committee of Ghanaian Adventist Churches (CorCom)and hosted by the North American Adventist Ghanaian Youth Council, this leadership retreat is an event that is presented on an annual basis to all of the Ghanaian Adventist Churches in North America.
It is our hope that at least 80 youth directors/leaders, pathfinder club directors, their assistants, and other officially sponsored church representatives will make it to this awesome event. You will learn important leadership skills that will help you take your Youth Ministry to the next level.
WhoShould Attend?
All Young men/women interested in Youth Ministry
All elected Youth Directors/Leaders and Assistants
All elected Pathfinder Club Directors and Assistants
All other officially sponsored church representatives interested in Youth Ministry
Why Should I Attend?
....becauseYOU arePassionate aboutGOD's work
....because YOU are Interested in youth ministry
....because YOU will learnPractical ways in which to raise or lead a dynamic youth group.
The retreat is geared towards equipping our leaders with the tools necessary to implement, grow, or stabalize their Youth Ministries in their various local churches.
The Leadership Retreat also serves as a medium for the Youth Council to meet annually and conduct its business.
Organized by North American Adventist Ghanaian Youth CouncilThe Youth Council is the official regulatory body of the Youth Departments and Pathfinder Clubs locatedin the 25 Ghanaian Adventist Churches located across the North American continent.
PRESIDENT: Dr. Kofi Appiah-Okyere
Ticket Info: - Youth Group Rate, $92.25
- Individual Rate, $97.38
- Donation, Free
Official Website: http://yalt-upcoming.eventbrite.com