linienstrasse 54
Berlin, Bundesland Berlin 10119

A new series of weekly workshops and monthly salon events at
xxxxx_micro_research [Berlin]; an independent research centre focusing on the expanded construction and experience of free software and open hardware.

March 21st 2009 2PM: [Out of] Control with Gijs Gieskes[NL] [+concert]

In the future all information might be lost on what a Gameboy is.. so
then people can still see the Gameboy and wonder what it was used
for... That's why I buried the Gameboys as a symbol of what
archeologists might find in the future.

[Gijs Gieskes interview]

Hardware and software imply control. Wide ranging process is
transformed into logic to be embedded within complex (control) systems
of economy and being. Control is a promise for the future which is
already betrayed by cheap, consumer electronics and desktop-bound
software. Data and circuit bending, crash and glitch, celebrate the
loss of control.

Industrial designer Gijs Gieskes bends and constructs a vast panoply
of convertors, translators, sequencers, and controllers morphing
signals, web data, music, video, software icons, game levels for
performance and play in the no man's land of contemporary control. The
one day construction workshop will involve basic electronics and
simple scripting for the control of consumer electronic devices using
microcontrollers, Arduino, and throwaway logic chips. Participants
will also be able to build the hard-soft synth with a kit from Gijs.

The workshop will close with Gijs and participants in performance
either at micro_research or a venue TBC.

Please bring devices for [Out of] controlling such as:

- walkmans//any portable cassette or dead media player
- small motors
- small keyboards
- small keyboards
- any electronic devices... if it runs on batteries we can give it a try.

An Arduino board is also recommended (available from
in Berlin) but we will also have all parts available to build a
simpler (free) equivalent.

About the teacher: Gijs Gieskes is a industrial designer, mostly busy
making devices that do things... Often these devices make music.

Fee: 10 euros (food, all parts except kits)

Please email to reserve a place (strictly limited)


xxxxx_micro_research, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.

Telephone: 3050187482.

xxxxx_micro_research is supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Berlin 2009

Official Website:

Added by x_xxxx on March 17, 2009

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