8537 Greenwood Ave N, Suite 1, Studio D
Seattle, Washington 98103

a tribute to the female chromosomes
Artist Opening: Fri, February 11 from 6-10pm
Showing through Fri, March 4

Bherd Studios Gallery is pleased to present “XX” a tribute to the female chromosomes featuring an all female line-up of six urban contemporary PNW artists: 179, Jenn Brisson, Sly Cooley, Tessa Hulls, Devon Urquhart and Redd Walitzki. Each of these talented artists provoke thoughtful introspection into social mores & hierarchy; beauty, fashion & consumption; and humanity from a woman’s point of view. From 179 incorporating environmental surroundings and folklore into her art to explore religion, culture and family structure to Urquharts anatomical contemplations of the fight for survival among species and our value that we put on being alive, and Walitzki’s delicate and ephemeral depictions of the nature of beauty, fashion and our unattainable desire for perfection… these artists create a heavy hit to the brain. However, as only a woman can truly do it, these messages are delivered in beautiful and interesting packages.

Official Website: http://www.bherdstudios.com

Added by Bherd Studios on February 6, 2011

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