University St.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

This weekend mini-festival aims to provide space for a community of people to be challenged through the medium of film and open discussions with guest speakers to think about a range of social justice and faith issues.

In July 2005, 6 protestant and 6 cathoilc young people from North and South Belfast will embark on a life changing trip to South Africa with the X-Plore cross-community project. Since October 2004 the group have been meeting together to build relationships across the religious and political barriers and have been x-ploring topics such as conflict, reconciliation, poverty and overcoming differences.

Through the film festival we want to give you the opportunity to x-plore some of these issues for yourself through a range of films that are at times heart-breaking, hilarious, hopeful, horrific yet always beautiful and inspiring. Each film will be followed by discussions with input from a range of guest speakers who are actively involved in working for peace and justice in various parts of the world.

As well as films and discussions there will be supper provided on Friday evening, lunch on Saturday and everyone is urged to join us on Sunday evening as we share a meal together before the final film. There will also be a family film on Saturday morning with activities provided for the children afterwards freeing parents to watch the afternoon documentary.

There will be a suggested donation for participation in all or part of the festival activities with all money directly supporting the X-Plore South Africa fund. For more information on this or for a full timetable and listing of films email

Added by jasonwhat on May 7, 2005

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