Barrett Building ,2301 Central Ave
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002

Provides local children of all ages with an opportunity to experience a variety of winter outdoor activities. Held as part of the national Children in Nature program and the Wyoming Kids Xtreme campaign, the Ice Festival 2010 is committed to reconnecting children and families with nature and the outdoors.
The Ice Festival 2010 will offer a variety of activities and demonstrations such as igloo building, a snowshoe demonstration, cross country skiing demonstration, military cannon and musket shooting demonstrations, a snowmobile simulator, an ice wall for ice picking and climbing, and snow games. These activities are free and open to the public. Donations are welcome for next year’s event.
Professional ice sculptors will also be on hand to work their magic on gigantic blocks of ice. Also, snow making machines will be on hand to “help mother nature,” if needed.

Added by scasta1630 on December 29, 2009



The museum should have put this on their calendar of events.. We've only seen it mentioned once, and it took some google work to find the event.. My 5th grader says they've not even mentioned it at school. Sad that more kids could have enjoyed this event had the news been spread a little better :)