Our next meeting will be on Monday 10th November 2008 in Leeds University’s EC Stoner Building.
This month we have two related talks. First up is Paul Brook on RAID in Linux: What RAID is, what it gives you and how it is implemented in the Linux kernel.
Moving up the stack a little, John Leach on LVM: Virtualise your storage on Linux: What LVM can do, how it does it and how to use it.
The meeting room is sign-posted from the main EC Stoner Building entrance (level 7, the side facing the Parkinson Tower).
The meeting officially starts at 7:00pm, but the room will be open for coffee, tea, biscuits and chat from 6:30pm. Afterwards, we usually go to the Victoria pub, behind the Town Hall, for geeky chatter.
Active Learning Lab., (Level 9, near staircase 2)
EC Stoner Building (aka Physics/Admin)
University of Leeds
Woodhouse Lane
Leeds UK
Getting to Leeds and Leeds University.
Campus Map showing entrances and car parks.
Location of EC Stoner Building on Campus.
Official Website: http://www.wylug.org.uk/2008/11/wylug-monthly-meeting-monday-10th-november-2008/
Added by johnleach on November 5, 2008