213 North 8th Street
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York

An exhibition by David Hollier.

Club27 is a remembrance of the lives of some of the most influential
contemporary musicians. Although they achieved musical greatness and,
in most cases, global recognition they all died at the age of 27.

The list begins with Robert Johnson, a Mississippi Bluesman, who died
in 1938 and includes, amongst others, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix,
Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison D. Jones and Kurt Cobain.

Some of the cases are tragic accidents. Others tell of tortured
souls desperate to make sense of their extraordinary abilities or
newfound fame. All these musicians had become celebrities before the
age of 30 and in most cases lived the rock star lifestyles that
befitted them. As such they are certainly examples of the 'live fast,
die young' generation. In astrology, the age of 27 represents a
pivotal point called `Saturn Return'. In every one of these cases,
whether the cause of death was falling asleep at the wheel on the way
back from a gig, or gruesomely violent suicide, the music led them to
their deaths. Now it is the music that keeps them alive.

The exhibition will be held at `Supreme Trading', 213 North 8th
Street between Driggs and Roebling, Williamsburg, Brooklyn (phone
718.599.4224). from November 12th to December 2nd, 2005.

The opening event will be on Saturday 12th November at 6pm and
features a live DJ set from Cocoa Cracker Brown (Nublu).

Added by davidhollier71 on October 30, 2005