314 E. Gorham St.
Madison, Wisconsin 53703

Drazy Hoops: HEADLINER
1090 Club
Casiotone for the Painfully Alone
The Drastics
El Donk
Earatik Statik
The Grey Scare
The Peelers
Raining Bricks
Simply Put with Richard Davis
Soul System
The Stranger
White Knuckle Trip
Baghdad Scuba Review
DJ Stage at Party in the Park will feature:

James Patrick & Tinhead
Nick Nice
Mike Carlson
DJ Ohm
DJ David Muhammad
DJ Rigo #7
Tom Matkins

Also check out Party in the Dark, WSUM’s after party at the High Noon Saloon following Party in the Park.

It will be featuring 1090 Club, The Countdown and to be announced headliner.

Schedule for Party in the Park:

East Stage
11:00am - The Gray Scare w/El Guante, MC Starr and DJ Pain 1
12:00pm - Raining Bricks
12:50pm - El Donk
2:00pm - 1090 Club
3:15pm - Earatik Statik
4:30pm - Soul System
6:10pm - White Knuckle Trip

West Stage
11:30am - The Stranger
12:20pm - The Peelers
1:20pm - Baghdad Scuba Review
2:20pm - Simply Put
3:45pm - The Drastics
5:30pm - Casiotone for the Painfully Alone
6:50pm - Drazy Hoops

Official Website: http://pitp.wsumfriends.org

Added by aaronetc on August 26, 2006

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