1634 University Blvd.NE Corner of University and Indian School
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131

UNM Continuing Education invites you to explore not only romance, but domestic realism, romantic suspense, mysteries, thrillers, and family sagas as well as historical fiction. This class is designed for women who want to write fiction specifically aimed at women readers. Participants will learn about plot structure, character development, point of view, voice, believable dialogue, the necessity for conflict and tension, how to create atmosphere with setting, the pacing of scenes and rewriting, and polishing for publication. Sandra Toro, the published author of historical and contemporary novels, as well as short stories and a memoir, will teach this six week class. Her book reviews have appeared in numerous newspapers and her non-fiction has been published in magazines such as Redbook, McCalls, and Environment. Class starts on January 24, 2011 and runs through March 7, 2011 on Mondays from 7-9pm in the Continuing Education North Building, located at 1634 University Blvd. NE in Albuquerque, NM. Tuition is $90. For more information contact Marie McGhee at 505-277-6320 or visit http://dce.unm.edu/personal-enrichment.htm. To register visit www.dce.unm.edu or call 505-277-0077.

Added by CE_Posts on January 5, 2011