DAY 1 : Writing optimal SQL
This first day has two targets.
* First: how do you improve the performance of a production system by attacking inefficient SQL
* Secondly: how do you design a system so that you can get data into and out of it efficiently
For most people, the design has already happened, nevertheless you need to be aware that the two targets overlap significantly - as you struggle to address a particularly inefficient piece of SQL, you need to be aware that there are structural features of the database that may help you find a cost effective solution despite the problems imposed by the SQL itself. This part of the course will cover methods of reviewing data distribution patterns, use of indexes, use of views (stored and inline), analytic functions, sub query factoring, as well as statistics, hints, and a brief review of execution plans.
DAY 2 : Troubleshooting &Tuning
Troubleshooting or Tuning:
* What's the difference?
* What are the strategies?
* Why tuning is hard but trouble-shooting is easy?
Key targets, indicators and mechanism for producing a well-tuned system on day one. Strategies for dealing with badly performing systems after go-live.
Frequently Occurring Problems:
Some of the most commonly occurring issues that affect performance after a system has gone into production. Methods for spotting them, measuring the impact, and dealing with the cost / risk / benefit triangle involved in fixing them. Getting into the habit of pre-emptive analysis and pro-active fixing.
Quick Fixes:
Methods, workarounds, dirty tricks and parameters for dealing with classic performance problems when the system is in production. There aren't many quick fixes that can be applied across the board - each one needs careful examination of costs, risk, and benefits. In this session we consider some of the options that are most likely to be worthwhile.
V$ and X$:
This session will describe the views that are most commonly of use, and explain the meaning of some of the more useful items.
Added by Idiceanu Renata on April 22, 2010