WRITING DOWN YOUR SOULFacilitated by Janet Conner- Sunday, April 26 - 1:30 - 3:30 PM- Fee: $25/ Members $20- SCNY 16 Clarkson Street between Varick and HudsonIn
this two hour experiential workshop you will learn how to exit
conscious mind, enter the theta brain wave state, and activate the
In her endorsement of Writing Down Your Soul,
August Gold said, This book is a powerful tool to help you access this
deeper realm of consciousness, and put it to work enriching your life
Soon you, too, willask for and receivethe
focused guidance and direction you need to live the life you want.
Then, watch as your new, joy-filled life unfolds from your pen day
after day in loving dialogue with divine mind.
Organized by Sacred Center New York
Ticket Info: - Members, $20.99
- Non Members, $25.99
- Donation, Free
Official Website: http://writingdownyoursoul-upcoming.eventbrite.com