Variety is more that just the name of Prince's favorite girl-singer sidekick. It's more than just having sex dressed as Alien Greenspan every once in a while. It's also a Literary Imperative! Which is why Writers With Drinks combines erotica with literature, stand-up comedy with science fiction and poetry with essays. Plus mystery, romance, memoir, rants and "other."
$3-$5 sliding scale, All proceeds benefit Other Magazine. Charlie Anders MCs and vamps.
This week:
Katia Noyes (Crashing America)
Shailja Patel (Migritude)
Lynnee Breedlove (One Freak Show)
George Kelly (
Shannon Cummings (Best Lesbian Erotica 2005)
Tim Pratt (The Strange Adventures of Ranger Girl)
Added by lawgeek on January 9, 2006