(doors open at 6:45 for sign-up, presentations begin at 7:15)
Every possible pathway of story, culture, and true grit meets at Writers Out Loud!—Connecticut’s premier literary prose open mic w/host Cocomo Rock & co-host Al Bower, Jr.
Talented prose writers of every ilk come to Writers Out Loud! to present up & coming works-in-progress, directly from their own pens. Join host, Cocomo Rock, and co-host, Al Bower, Jr. for an exciting literary slate filled with sinners, saints, the comedic, the tragic, the fictional, and the all too true.
Each Second Thursday of every month, six phenomenal storytellers sign up seeking constructive critique of their latest works in progress. Come launch your experience of literary prose off that earthbound plane of solitary and cerebral and into the extraordinary heights of live and out-loud! You will never read—or write—quite the same again!
Elevate your literary craft to the next level
Enjoy invaluable benefits of ongoing, peer-to-peer networking opportunities
Reinvigorate your publishing, fellowship, scholarship, and grant seeking aims with new sources of possibility
Share the journey (Refreshments served – Snack Bar and Beverage Bar available.)
Added by thebuttonwoodtree on July 27, 2012