4000 Clarksville Pike
Nashville, Tennessee 37218

Nashville, TN. Worthy poets in the Nashville community and surrounding areas.
Bridge Your Soulful Journey (BYSJ), will present Writers of the Journey: Words Are Power 9 at the Bordeaux Branch Library at 4000 Clarksville Pike, 37218 on Saturday, May 30, 2009, 2-4:30 p.m.
Bridge Your Soulful Journey (BYSJ), a local, non-profit organization chartered by the State of Tennessee, will host the Ninth Annual Poetry Awards Celebration in honor of Poetry and spoken word artists throughout the year.
An open-mic segment will be featured during the program.
Bridge Your Soulful Journey, founded by Delsenia Sales in 2001, is responsible for an annual poetry awards celebration.
2008 recipients Navita Gunter-The Harriettte Bias-Insignares Award For Achievement In Poetry and Silvia Lewis-The Margaret Smith-Beach Award For Dedication To Poetry, will hand-off the two top awards.
Certificates are presented to Poets in the Community each year. Representative Brenda Gilmore is the Honorary Co-Chairperson. The public is invited to this free event. Refreshments will be served.
The awards are in honor of Dr. Harriette Bias-Insignares, First Poet Laureate Metro Nashville Davidson County and Margaret Smith-Beach, Poet Laureate for the Metropolitan Nashville Retired Teacher's Association.
The Harriettte Bias-Insignares Award For Achievement In Poetry is given to a person who has demonstrated qualities and acts of mentoring other poets, publications in poetic and literary means of distribution, and readings and public performances over the span of the individual's professional artistic career.
The Margaret Smith-Beach Award For Dedication To Poetry honors an individual who has demonstrated qualities and acts of inspiration; has reached out to ordinary, everyday people; speaks for writers and poets who do not have a voice in their community; and generally acts as a springboard for emerging poets in their endeavors.
For more information contact Delsenia Sales at email: bysj4u@yahoo.com; and website: www.myspace.com/bridgeyoursoulfuljourney,

Added by bysj4u on May 22, 2009