68 Calhoun Street
Charleston, South Carolina 29401

(Reposted on Behalf of the Library)
I'd like to invite you to a business-related program coming up here at the Charleston County Public Library next week.
The program, Write a Winning Business Plan!, is a workshop for anyone interested in starting their own business as well as current business owners. A counselor from the South Carolina Women's Business Center will teach participants how to write a business plan that can help make all your small business dreams come true! The workshop will also briefly cover other important things you'll need to know in order to make your business a success.
When: Wednesday, November 28th, 2007 from 6-8 p.m.
Where: Main Library, 68 Calhoun Street
For more information, call the Reference Department at 805-6930 or email us at askaquestion@ccpl.org. (You can also see a copy of the event flyer online at our business blog, http://businessnotesonline.blogspot.com)
If you know someone who might be interested, please feel free to pass this message along!
Have a great day,

Reposted by Chris Stum of http://www.ONLY.sc supporting the Charleston County Library because of what they do for the citizens of Charleston South Carolina.

Official Website: http://businessnotesonline.blogspot.com

Added by Chrisstum on November 20, 2007

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