Wowwee Robotics, the makers of the famous Robosapien, have just come out with a new series of robotic toys. Come see them for yourself as we demonstrate the latest members of the Wowee family: RS Media, Roboquad and Robopanda. The new generation of robotics products have arrived and Robot Village is excited to show them to you.
If you'd like to hang around after the free demonstration, we are offering a Solar Robot Building Workshop shortly after, where you you can sit and build your own robot with a member of our staff. Details and registration info can be found here: or
Location: 252 West 81st Street (Just West of Broadway), New York, NY 10024
By Subway:
Take the #1 subway to 79th street. Walk 2 blocks North on Broadway to 81st Street. Make left on 81st (between Broadway & West End Ave.)
By Bus:
Take the M79 cross-town bus to Broadway (you’ll be on on 79th Street). Walk 2 blocks North on Broadway to 81st Street. Make left on 81st (between Broadway & West End Ave.)
Phone: 212.799.ROBO (7626)
Store Hours:
Tue-Fri 12pm-7pm
Sat 10am-6pm;
Sun 11am-5pm.
Closed on Monday
Official Website:
Added by robotvillage252 on October 11, 2007