Second Avenue at East 7th Street, (alternate entrance at 50 E. 7th Street)
New York, New York 10003


In the context of our current shifting reality, as the world holds her breath and watches America try a bold new thing in race relations, this conference is a critical opportunity to learn how worship allows us to rehearse the Reign of God. Living in multiracial and multicultural communities can be difficult and, yet, as C. S. Lewis wrote, We only learn to behave ourselves in the presence of God.
This is why we focus on worship.
In the words of Karl Barth, worship is the most momentous, the most urgent, the most glorious action that can take place in human life.
This is why we focus on worship.
On the way to the multiracial, multicultural future that God desires, congregations can rehearse that preferred reality in liturgy, prayer, music, preaching, and the arts.
This is why we focus on worship.
This puts worship on the borderon the edgeof the soon-coming reign. Join your clergy colleagues, musicians, worship teams and lay leaders in an inspirational, theological and practical conference at a time when we can catch glimpse of hope.
If not us, who? If not now, when?
Live the Reign of God now.

Conference Leaders
Curtiss De Young
Eric Law
Jacqui Lewis
Mark Miller
Gordon Dragt
John Janka
Brad Motta

Per Person
Music Pre-Conference $25
Registration $200
Student rate $150
Group rate $100 (minimum of 5 registered at same time)
RCA scholarship $0 (first come first served-subject to verification)
Late Registration $375 (after March 22, 2009)

Please indicate your preferences on the registration form by listing your top two choices for each Workshop.
A) Hip, Global and Justice Centered: The Basics of a Joyful Music Repertoire that WorksMark Miller
Practical, hands-on, soup-to-nuts workshop about hymns and other worship music.

B) The Arts in Worship: One Foot Planted in the Center, the Other Dangling Over the EdgeGordon Dragt
A practical guide to using the arts in worship.

C) LEADing on the Everlasting ArmsBlaine Newhouse
A concrete tool for developing leaders to bear the new vision in multiracial congregations.

D) Caring for People in Times of TransformationLarry Dove and Adriene Thorne
Practical wisdom for creating a safe holding environment for transitions through care.

E) Storying the Reign Through Music in WorshipJacqui Lewis and Jonathan Dudley
Creating a musical team to develop a transformational narrative arc for the liturgical year.

F) Worship Is Reaching, Preaching, and TeachingBrad Motta
The vision for a multiracial future is nurtured everywhere on Sunday morning. Learn how to expand your vision of education.

G) Making the Congregation Your Choir: The Art of Congregational SingingPamela Warrick Smith and Charles Brown
The simple raising of voices in harmony creates community. Learn purposeful ways to create community and move congregants from spectators to active participants.

H) Breaking into the Multiracial Future with WorshipEric Law
Worship is an essential moment in which Gods people experience the transcendent and practice the possible. How do our antiracist values help shape this moment?

I) Bringing the People In: Worship as EvangelismIrving Rivera
Worship is our greatest tool for sharing the good news. Learn tools to grow your congregation with worship.

J) A Pastor, a Plan, and Changing WorshipCharlie Morris and Mark Adamy
Experience one congregations journey to transform worship.

K) When the White House Has a Black Family: Is Your Congregation Post?Jacqui Lewis and John Janka
Help your congregation understand race, class, and ethnicity in the Obama era.


FRIDAY April 24, 2009
1:00 pm Registration
2:00 pm PlenaryEric Law
3:45 pm Group Workshop
4:45 pm Group Workshop
5:30 pm Dinner on your own
7:00 pm Choir Festival


SATURDAY April 25, 2009
12:00 nn Registration
1:00 pm Orientation, Introductions, Team Building Brad Motta
2:00 pm Plenary 1Jacqui Lewis
3:30 pm Break
3:45 pm Interactive Learning Experience: Force Field Analysis
4:30 pm Plenary 2Eric Law

SUNDAY April 26, 2009
8:00 am Breakfast/Networking and Storytelling
9:00 am Plenary 3Warren Dennis
11:15 am Worship
12:45 am Lunch
1:30 pm Storying the Vision Through Worship, Music and the Arts
2:45 pm Break
3:00 pm Plenary 4Mark Miller
4:30 pm Downtime/Journaling/Quiet
5:00 pm Break
6:00 pm Jazz on High Worship Celebration
7:00pm Dinner on your own

MONDAY April 27, 2009
8:30 am Breakfast and networking.
9:30 am Plenary 5Curtiss De Young
10:45 am Plenary 6John Janka
12:00 nn Lunch on your own
1:15 pm Plenary 7Eric Law
3:00 pm Workshop 1
4:15 pm Break
4:30 pm Workshop 2
5:45 pm Dinner on your own
7:30 pm This Is the Worship God Desires!! Keynote Address
Middle Church Jerriese Johnson Gospel Choir

TUESDAY April 28, 2009
8:00 am Coffee, Juice, and Bagels
8:30 am Plenary 8Conference Leadership
9:45 am Workshop 3
11:00 am Networking and Storytelling
12:00 nn Evaluation and Closing Ritual

Organized by The Teaching Church

Ticket Info:  
  • Regular Registration, $200.00
  • Student Rate, $150.00
  • Group Rate, $100.00
  • RCA Sponsorship, Free
  • Late Registration, $375.00
  • Pre-Conference: Music, $25.00

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite-events on March 17, 2009

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