595 Market St, 2nd floor
San Francisco, California 94105

Thursday 07 December
5:30 reception
6:00 lecture
Worldchanging: A User's Guide for the 21st Century
Alex Steffen, Executive Editor, Worldchanging.com;
Sarah Rich, Managing Editor, Worldchanging.com;
Cameron Sinclair, Co-founder and Executive Director, Architecture for Humanity;
Joel Makower, Founder and Executive Editor, GreenBiz.com;
Mike Millikin, Editor, Green Car Congress;
moderated by Gil Friend, CEO, Natural Logic.
What are the tools, trends, and technologies that are transforming our world
for the better? From new models of doing business to new ways of thinking
about our homes and institutions, there is a wealth of ideas and solutions
out there. Hear a discussion among the founders and local contributors to
Worldchanging.com -- and contributors to a just-published reference book on
the topic -- providing insight and inspiration on what's here, what's
coming, and what's possible.
LOCATION: The Commonwealth Club
595 Market Street at Second
COST: COST: $8 Members / $15
INFO: http://www.commonwealthclub.org/mlf.html
Co-Sponsored by organicARCHITECT

questions? events@organicarchitect.com

Added by EmilyoA on November 21, 2006



Here's a direct link to the event on the Commonwealth Club calendar: