WORLD WIDE KNIT IN PUBLIC DAY was started in 2005 by Danielle Landes as a way for knitters to come together and enjoy each other’s company. According to the WWKiP website, it’s become the largest event of its kind in the world. The knit-wits at Crowell Library are encouraging anyone who has needles and/or a crochet hook to stop by and see what’s going on with fellow yarn enthusiasts of the greater San Gabriel Valley. All ages are welcome!
World Wide Knit in Public Day is a grand opportunity to show the general public what the knitting community looks like and what diverse and dynamic talents they possess. Instead of lining the sidewalks of Huntington Drive, relax in the Library’s comfy Barth Community Room sharing perls of wisdom while keeping everyone in stitches. It will be impossible not to cosmically connect to the worsted wizardry permeating the room. Knitters know their craft transcends language barriers and could easily bring world peace should everyone in the world knit simultaneously on the same day – imagine the size of THAT scarf! Is that a goal or what?
It has not been shown that stitching together thwarts stormy weather, but it does foretell a good yarn.
To learn more about World Wide Knit in Public Day, visit:
We needle you not! Light refreshments will be served.
Added by Crowell Library on May 5, 2011