On November 14, 2006, New Jersey will celebrate the second annual World Usability Day (http://www.worldusabilityday.org). World Usability Day promotes the values and benefits of innovative technologies and usability engineering. Princeton ACM / IEEE-CS and UsabilityNJ have prepared a special program to celebrate:
• Keynote speakers from local industries. They will review how user-centered designs make innovations and technologies more usable and accessible.
• Showcases of usable products, processes and methods. Organizations will tell success stories about how their work makes technologies useful and usable.
• Special “Idea Market” sessions. Attendees will brainstorm hot topics in tools, techniques and processes that are used to develop successful products.
Come and learn how user-centered designs can make your products more successful.
Speakers will include:
• Edmond Israelski, Human Factors Manager, Abbott Laboratories
• Mark Altom, Technical Manager in the Chief Technology Office, Avaya
• Todd Warfel, Partner, Design & Usability Specialist, Messagefirst
Schedule of Events:
6:30-9:30PM Table Exhibits; Idea Market; Food; Networking
7:30-9:00PM Keynote Speakers
About World Usability Day
World Usability Day promotes the value of usability engineering, user-centered design, and every user’s responsibility to ask for things that work better. Last year, 115 events in 35 countries took place during the 36 hour period. Approximately 8,000 people attended these events world-wide and 200 people from 16 countries participated in online seminars.
About UsabilityNJ
The UsabilityNJ group is the New Jersey chatper of the UPA. It was started in 2001 by members of the UPA and Society of Technical Communications located in central New Jersey. Its membership has since grown to over 250 professionals in the area of usability and related disciplines.
Please visit http://www.usabilitynj.org for more information.
Official Website: http://www.usabilitynj.org/meeting_details/nov2006_details.html
Added by rdherring5 on September 8, 2006