"World Travels": Washtenaw Community Concert Band. Under the direction of Chris Heidenreich, the 70 piece band performs the final concert of its indoor season with a whirlwind tour through Arabia, Australia, Belgium, Mexico, and Russia - a trip around the world for the free price of admission! Join the band as we feature Whitmore Lake band director, band member and flutist Beth Wondolowski in music from Bizet's Carmen, and feature members of the Whitmore Lake High School Band in a finale not to be missed from Kalinnikov's Symphony in G Minor. Truly a journey around the world. Light refreshments will follow the concert. 7:30 p.m. Towsley Auditorium, Morris Lawrence Bldg., WCC, 4800 E. Huron River Dr., Free. 252-9221, www.wccband.org.
Added by T.A.B. on April 14, 2013