1328 Montana Avenue (at 14th Street)
Santa Monica, California 90403

World Premiere! TITANS OF YOGA, 2010, Dir. Johannes R. Fisslinger. This documentary brings together “25 masters of yoga, meditation and mindfulness in a magical journey of self-discovery and personal transformation,” from Dr. Dean Ornish, a physician consultant to President Clinton, to Lilias Folan, the “First Lady of Yoga.” As these yoga masters share their life experiences, their tales of addiction, depression and an HIV-positive diagnosis will move you - and the way they transform these challenges into life victories will have you cheering.
Discussion following with director Johannes R. Fisslinger and “Titans” Dr. Dean Ornish, Shiva Rea, Vinnie Marino, Beth Shaw and others.


Added by AmericanCinematheque on August 26, 2010