Young cooks will learn about cultures from around the world through experiencing unique foods that they helped to create. Children will learn the basics of cooking, safety tips and how to cook so that they can make their loved ones something great to eat!
Instructor: Linda Jo Warner
Ages 5 - 12
$40 for all three classes (must sign up for all three)
January 19, February 23, March 16
Tuesdays, 4 to 6 p.m.
Attention Parents: The Curtis Arts & Humanities Center cooking classes offer a culinary experience that may be unusual for some children Please be aware that the listed menu is what will be offered, with no substitutes If your child is unable to eat these foods, you may wish to supply a snack for that day Due to the high incidence of
allergies, all nuts and peanut butter have been eliminated from the menus.
Added by laurenmickey5 on December 21, 2009