The 1st Annual World Geo-Gathering!!
Over 100 Event Only On-Site Caches!
July 16-19, 2009
IdahoGI with the D-Day Adventure Park is proud to present The World Geo-Gathering 2009. An event for all GeoCachers regardless of physical ability. We will place over 100 event exclusive caches for this event. They will range anywhere from 1/1 to 5/5.
The event will also include:
Vending Vendors from all over globe will be in attendance for this event.
Event Meet & Greets Chance to meet other cachers from all over the globe.
Fun & Games Fun and games for young and old will consist of Cache Packing Races, Geo-BINGO, Name The Cacher, Ammo Can Painting and much, much more.
Classes and Seminars We are still working on classes and seminars at this time.
Live Auction - We will be auctioning off some fabulous items that were donated by sponsors and other generous folks. A professional auctioneer will be on hand to make this an unforgettable experience.
Event Exclusive Cache Race The coordinates will be released on Friday Nightand Saturday Moring for everyone. All participants will receive coords on paper and GPXfiles (through GSAK).
The first 200 people to register will receive a special lanyard marked with World Geo-Gathering 2009.
We are looking forward to the best year yet! Hope to see everyone out there!
Note: Preregistration closes July 1, 2009
Full Service RV must be ordered and paid for in the Event Online Store!
Organized by World Geo-Gathering Staff
Ticket Info: - Level 1 Registration, $20.00
- Level 2 Registration, $25.00
- Level 3 Registration, $35.00
- Family Registration, $50.00
Official Website: