625 Pennsylvania Avenue
San Diego, California 92103

The Rector and Parishioners of All Saints' Church invite you to join us at 5:00PM, Sunday evening, November 30, 2008, in the parish hall, as we welcome the San Diego Men's Chorus. SDMC will be performing a "sneak preview" of their upcoming Holiday production in commemoration of WORLD AIDS DAY.

Refreshments will be served.

In order to RSVP for this important event, please click on this link
or forward your name and email address to Outreach@AllSaintsChurch.org.

Official Website: http://www.kintera.org/AutoGen/home/Home.asp?ievent=271556&en=idKGKGNoE7IyFPNvF8LyHIMkGgLLKPOoF9LJIRNwEnLXE

Added by Kim Evans Music on November 8, 2008