312 Sutter Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, California 94108

Have you ever wondered why Progressives have never seemed to gain ground the past thirty years? In The Political Mind: "Why You Can’t Understand 21st-Century American Politics with an 18th-Century Brain," UC Berkeley's Richard and Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics George Lakoff argues that a majority of citizens might be voting against their own interests because people do not think about politics with a logician’s rationality, but use a deeper, unconscious rationality of values, metaphors, frames, and emotions.

Check-in: 5:30 PM; Program: 6:00 PM

Admission Costs: Council Members: Free, Students: $5, Nonmembers: $15

For more information, please visit our website, call us 415-293-4600, or email us at info@wacsf.org.

Official Website: http://www.itsyourworld.org

Added by wacsf on June 12, 2008