312 Sutter Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, California 94108

Award-winning author of No god but God and How to Win a Cosmic War, Reza Aslan explores the ideology that fuels al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Jihadist. With a look at the United States' approach to the War on Terror, he examines the polarizing rhetoric that has further entangled politics with religion. Aslan argues that religion is a stronger force today. He asserts that we must strip away the current ideological conflict of its religious connotations and address the actual grievances that fuel the Jihadist movement.

Check-in: 5:30 PM; Program: 6:00 PM

For more information and to register, visit the Council's website, call 415-293-4600, or email info@wacsf.org.

Official Website: http://www.itsyourworld.org/assnfe/ev.asp?ID=2508&SnID=864955938

Added by wacsf on May 6, 2009