1 North San Antonio Road
Los Altos, California 94022

With the economic crisis still looming, Eric Fisher will explore alternative approaches and lessons from previous economic downturns and make some comparisons with Japan and other countries at this FREE event. How much international cooperation will be needed to bring the US and the global economy back from the brink? Eric Fisher is a professor of Economics at Cal Poly San Louis Obispo and is a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco.

Refreshments: 7:00 PM, Program: 7:30 PM

For more information and to register, visit the Council's website, call 415-293-4600, or email info@wacsf.org.

Official Website: http://www.itsyourworld.org/assnfe/ev.asp?ID=2453&SnID=1385904549

Added by wacsf on March 17, 2009

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