Experience the exquisite photographs of Greg Hale taken on a trip through Tibet in 2004. These photographs shed light on a vanishing way of life while also evoking hope for the future. To behold the delicate and striking images is to witness the history of its land, its people, and its traditions. One can observe the tranquil presence of thousands of years of spiritual energy, which resonates through the art, architecture, and landscapes. Adorned with colorful flags, rugged peaks, and majestic temples, the countryside suggests a story of what Tibetans have endured, and how they have persevered.
Check-in: 5:30 PM, Presentation: 6:00 PM, Reception: 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
For more information and to register, visit the Council's website, call 415-293-4600, or email info@wacsf.org.
Official Website: http://www.itsyourworld.org/assnfe/ev.asp?ID=2490&SnID=1077338583
Added by wacsf on April 21, 2009