Karlstraße 32
Munich, Bavaria 80333

The Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) of LMU and TU Munich organizes together with Die ZEIT and Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck a workshop on Social Online Services and Entrepreneurship on September 18, 2006 in Munich.
The workshop brings together Germany’s leading entrepreneurs, bloggers, technology experts, venture capitalists as well as representatives from media conglomerates in order to focus on business models based on social online services. In the context of Web2.0, the Internet has once again become a vibrant platform for entrepreneurial activity. CDTM aims at pointing out both the opportunities and threats for German entrepreneurs in this field.

In the course of the one-day workshop, our speakers first introduce you in short talks to the context and the fundamental dynamics in the field. The experiences are brought together in a following Q&A session. In the second half of the workshop, two panels discuss more specific topics: the value of user-generated content for firms as well as the sustainability of current business models. The conference language is German.

The workshop is held in the heart of Munich, conveniently reachable by public transportation. For an informal get-together, we have reserved tables at the Oktoberfest for Sunday evening and invite all early birds to join us. We can also offer a limited capacity of hotel beds close to the venue of the workshop. We are looking forward to welcome you in Munich!

Prof. Dr. Jörg Eberspächer (CDTM and TU München)
Prof. Dr. Arnold Picot (CDTM and LMU München)
Dr. Rüdiger Salat (Verlagsgruppe Holtzbrinck)

Moderators and Speakers (preliminary)
* Urs Keller, billiger.de
* John Eikenberry, Technology Expert
* Manuel Uhlitzsch, web.de
* Dr. Stephan Roppel, Holtzbrinck Business Development and elab
* Dr. Christian Göttsch, Experteer
* Martin Weber, Holtzbrinck Networx
* Gero von Randow, Die Zeit
* Andreas Neus, IBM Institute for Business Value
* Frank Böhnke, Wellington Partners
* Lukasz Gadowski, spreadshirt
* Stephan Uhrenbacher, qype (requested)
* Oliver Wagner, augenmerk (requested)
* Annik Rubens, schlaflos-in-muenchen (requested)
* and more

More information can be found on the official workshop website at http://centercon.cdtm.de
For any questions please contact Mr. Dennis Wetzig (0171 / 53 44 225, dennis.wetzig@cdtm.de)

Official Website: http://centercon.cdtm.de

Added by bkirchmair on August 22, 2006