Workshop Topic: A crisis is more like a stiff wind, which should get our attention, but often does not. We need to take advantage of this stiff wind to sell any necessary changes to our organizations.
Change can be difficult. Whenever change happens, resistance to that change builds. The reason: resistance to change is built into our DNA. For the 20,000 generations that preceded us, those that ventured from the beaten path got eaten! They never had a chance to contribute their DNA to the gene pool. The more cautious got to propagate the next generation. So, we resist change, its built into our genes, unless we have a very good reason for making the change.
Bottom line: Never let a crisis go to waste. It can become the trigger point for convincing other people in the organization that the change has to be made.
Summer Social: This is slated as a magical,exciting and entertaining evening of dining and dancing for you and/or your partner at the fabulous University of Toronto Faculty Club.
Organized by TODNToronto Organization Development Network
Ticket Info: - TODN Members Register Here, Free
- Workshop and Social - Group Price, C$112.75
- Workshop and Social - Early Bird, C$123.00
- Workshop and Social - Standard, C$143.50
- Workshop Only - Group Price, C$76.88
- Workshop Only - Early Bird, C$87.12
- Workshop Only - Standard, C$97.38
- Social only - Early Bird, C$35.99
- Social only - Standard, C$46.12
- Workshop and/or Social at the door payment - PLEASE REGISTER, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/260502169/upcoming