linienstrasse 54
Berlin, Bundesland Berlin 10119

July 18th 2PM: Neanderthal Vocal Computer with Derek Holzer

This workshop combines three of the basic building blocks of the
longer Neanderthal Electronics workshop (TL072 op-amp comparator, 4093
gated oscillator & LM386 audio amplifier) to create a very crude,
caveman-style analog computer for the processing of vocal input
through a microphone. Participants will learn some analog and digital
electronics basics to create an experimental prototype on the
solderless breadboard, then recreate the circuit with permanent
connections. They are also expected to bring their own box, case or
other object in which to construct the final circuit. The last part of
the workshop will touch on how this circuit can be expanded later on
to include all kinds of mixers, modulators, distortions and filters
through the use of other cheap, easily obtained parts.

For more information and videos from the Neanderthal Electronics
workshops, see:
About the Instructor

Derek Holzer (1972) is an American sound artist living in Berlin,
whose current interests include DIY analog electronics, sound art,
field recording and the meeting points of electroacoustic, noise,
improv and heavy metal music. He has played live experimental sound as
Macumbista or Derek Holzer--as well as taught workshops in Pure Data
and electronics--across Europe, North America, Brazil and New Zealand.

Cost: €10 per participant (this includes all parts and food)

Please email to reserve a place (strictly limited)

_____-micro_research, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.

Telephone: 3050187482.

_____-micro_research is supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Berlin 2009

Official Website:

Added by x_xxxx on July 13, 2009

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