3 CPE Credits
Line managers want salary offers and pay increases to be quick and easy. However, when companies don't have salary ranges and other compensation basics, inequities and imbalances (and related trouble) often result. Join us for an intense, half day on core compensation practices. You'll leave the program equipped to:
-Evaluate your company's current pay levels
-Select appropriate sources of pay data to benchmark jobs for competitive market pricing
-Calculate a salary range
-Work with management in making pay decisions
-Talk with employees about your company's pay practices
This course is especially valuable for companies that don't have formal compensation systems or a dedicated compensation staff. Take salary management to the next level with the full-day NCHRA offering, Designing a Competitive Salary Structure happening May 20th.
Speakers: Brooke Green is a principal at Presidio Pay Advisors, where she provides consulting advice and implementation assistance to clients with compensation support needs. Previously, Brooke was a consultant for WestWard Pay Strategies, where she specialized in evaluating and designing executive compensation and broad-based employee programs.
Margaret O'Hanlon launched re:Think Consulting to collaborate with clients on creative HR and organizational communication solutions to complex business problems. Previously, Margaret was a principal with Towers Perrin, where she specialized in change management and total rewards communications.
NCHRA Members: $130 / General: $165.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on February 21, 2009