A modern version of Adam’s seduction by Eve, The Shape of Things, set in a small Midwestern town, centers around the lives of four university students who become romantically and sexually involved with one another. When the shy, overweight Adam meets hip graduate art student Evelyn, he starts making major changes to his physical appearance, including cosmetic surgery and major life changes, including dropping his best friend. With its jaw-dropping conclusion, The Shape of Things takes an entertaining and harsh look at limits of love, the power of sexual manipulation, and the ethics of creativity.
San Francisco-based Worklight Theatre Company will perform The Shape of Things directed by up and coming artist Matthew Reiff, at 8pm April 2-24 and at 10pm April 25, Thursdays through Saturdays at the San Francisco Playhouse, Stage 2, 533 Sutter Street, San Francisco.
Official Website: http://www.worklighttheatre.com
Added by ragglerock on March 8, 2009