600 E Burnside
Portland, Oregon 97253

Working Artists Gallery in conjunction with Portland City Art introduces rdEVOLUTION. rdEVOLUTION goes beyond the typical exhibit and challenges artists and viewers to think, “What’s next?” The showing will be highlighted by three key events in September and October. Artists, patrons, and fans of the Portland arts community are needed to help with preparations. Volunteers are invited to assist with one or more events by attending an informational volunteer meeting on Friday, August 22nd or contacting meeting organizers.

Please contact Rachel Kjack (rachel.kjack@sao.org) or Tim Christy (tim.christy2@gmail.com) with questions.

If you are all ready to sign up as a volunteer for this or other Working Artists LLC projects, go to: https://www.volgistics.com/ex/portal.dll/ap?AP=1442890737&OR=1

1) Mash Up Bash – September 5, 2008
This opening event, co-produced by the Working Artists Network and yelp.com, features art pieces that interpret technological progression and regression, revolution and devolution through the use of recycled materials. Twenty-three artists will display their work, which will also be judged by a panel of local notables and exhibit viewers.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: September 2nd, 3rd, 4th.

2) Equilibrium: The Human Mash Up – October 17, 2008
This event is a collaborative effort between Working Artists Network and the Software Association of Oregon to showcase connections between art and technology. Local DJ’s, interactive digital art installations, and a collaboration of ideas to be carried forward in the community will be highlights of this event.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: October 15th, 16th, 17th.

3) Dis Guised: rdEVOLUTION in Motion: – October 25, 2008
This event extends the Equilibrium event to include performance artists’ and film-makers’ interpretations of the rdEVOLUTION theme.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: October 23rd, 24th, 25th.

Experienced art installers, artists, curious and passionate people are all in need to lend a hand during any of the rdEVOLUTION exhibit events.

Official Website: https://www.volgistics.com/ex/portal.dll/ap?AP=1442890737&OR=1

Added by sao on August 19, 2008

Interested 2