820 Mass Ave
Cambrdige, Massachusetts 02139

Book by Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso, Music by Stephen Schwartz and Micki Grant and Craig Carnelia and Mary Rodgers and James Taylor, Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz and Micki Grant and Craig Carnelia and James Taylor and Susan Birkenhead. Based on Working by Studs Terkel

In the course of one twenty-four hour workday, the audience meets and hears the stories of various workers. The hopes, dreams, joys and concerns of the average working American are the focus of this unique, extraordinary musical. Based on Studs Terkel’s best-selling book of interviews with American workers, “Working” paints a vivid portrait of the men and women the world so often takes for granted..

Directed by James Tallach
Musical Direction by Adam MacDonald

Fri. & Sat., JUNE 5, 6, 12, 13, 2009 at 8PM
Thurs., JUNE 11, 2009 at 7:30PM

Cambridge Family YMCA Theatre
Central Square, Cambridge

Official Website: http://www.metrostagecompany.com/

Added by netheaternut on June 8, 2009

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