San Francisco Bay Area, California

Is Work Taking a Toll on You? It Doesn’t Have To.

Work with Ease™ 8-Week Program - Teleconference Series

Beginning October 11, 2006 6:30pm-8:00pm Pacific

Call from the convenience of your home or office.

Are you spending too much of your time at work frustrated, overwhelmed and stressed?

Do you feel exhausted at the beginning of the day?

Do you need a completely new way to work?

Inspired Action has a refreshing solution: the Work with Ease™ 8-Week Program. This exciting, unique program offers a clear pathway to transform the way you think about and approach your work. Using simple exercises that can quickly reduce stress and increase your productivity you will learn how to feel more relaxed, motivated and healthy at work. You'll be able to fulfill your work goals and create the life you desire without stress!

Inspired Action's Work with Ease™ Program, based on 18 years of research and experience, is created specifically to address the challenges individuals face with stress in high-growth, high-change environments.

Click Here to Register for October Program:

The Work with Ease™ 8-Week Program delivers simple yet powerful ideas, tools and practices that put you in control and enable you to create exactly what you want from work each day.

During this program, you will radically transform how you work and the results you can create.

In this program, you'll:

 Identify hidden beliefs and patterns that fuel stress and overwhelm
 Understand the specific sources of stress in your work "eco-system"
 Receive powerful tools to become more productive and spend less time at work
 Learn calming mind-body practices to easily and quickly incorporate into your life
 Navigate work relationships with ease to reduce conflict and increase collaboration
 Integrate more ease into your worklife so you can fulfill your professional and personal goals
 Maintain your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health amidst work deadlines and chaos

You'll leave the Work with Ease Program with a concrete action plan to assist you in working with more ease. Plus, you'll receive a 150-page comprehensive workbook, an individual consultation to focus on your challenges along with support from other participants to keep the momentum going.

“Before I began the Work with Ease program, I felt a sense of frustration that permeated my work life. There were so many tasks to juggle and it never felt like there was enough time in the day. With each week, Athena laid a strong foundation of both information and action that allowed me to transform my relationship to work. The program gave me the framework to reconstitute my relationship to my mission, my goals, my colleagues, and ultimately, myself. I cannot recommend her course highly enough. This resulted in new business opportunities, increased productivity and my improved health.” - Jennifer Warren, Mortgage Broker, Ionian Capital, Inc.

What's Included in the Program?

One 60-Minute Individual Consultation with Athena - You get a private telephone consultation to discuss your specific situation and challenges, answer any questions, talk about what you've learned and determine next steps.

Eight 90-Minute Teleconferences - You participate in convenient weekly workshop sessions to assist you in implementing the Work with Ease principles and practices.

Call in from your home or office to join the virtual workshop.

Your Personal Work with Ease Project - Throughout the program you'll be focusing on a personal project that is specific to you. You'll work with Athena and the group to identify the project, determine action steps and begin to work with more ease.

Work with Ease Action Plan - You get a concrete action plan to help you start putting the ideas and material in practice immediately and also keep your momentum going after the program.

Work with Ease Guidebook - You receive a 150+ page guidebook packed with key worksheets, exercises and resources to get you started. Your guidebook will allow you to move through this powerful process again and again.

Unlimited Email Support - You receive email support from Athena between calls to fully integrate the program into your work and life.

Work with Ease Community Membership - You get continual updates, answers to questions, brainstorming and other valuable information from Athena and other participants. You can also attend the monthly Work with Ease Dialogue Calls to explore the material in more depth.

See the full program description, go to

Learn about the results our clients create, go to

October, 2006 Program

Dates: 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/29, 12/6
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm Pacific
Fee: $249.00 per month or $495.00 total

Special Early Bird Fee if Registered by 10/5 Save $50.00 - Only $445.00

Click Here to Register for October Program:

Official Website:

Added by inspiredaction on September 25, 2006

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